Visiting Mount Elgon National Park

Explore Mount Elgon National Park | Cheap Car Rental UgandaExperience the natural beauty of Mount Elgon National Park without breaking the bank with affordable car rentals in Uganda. Discover the wonders of this UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and its diverse wildlife without overspending. Mount Elgon stands at an elevation of 4321 meters above sea level, the extinct Mount Elgon is the fourth highest mountain in the East African region and sits at the Uganda-Kenya border. Mount Elgon has the largest caldera extending for 40 kilometers and is surrounded by rocky peaks.

Mount Elgon National Park is one of the most interesting yet rarely visited National Parks in Uganda covering an area of 1279 square kilometers. It was gazetted in 1992 and is governed by Uganda Wildlife Authority.

Attractions within and around Mount Elgon National Park

Wildlife and birds are not the only attractions you will enjoy within the park but others such as;


Mount Elgon National Park is also home to numerous Caves with the popularly visited ones being Mackingeny, Kitum, and Chepnyali Caves that can be hiked to.


The Sipi falls are the most beautiful and popular waterfalls explored during a visit to Mount Elgon National Park. Sipi is made up of three breathtaking waterfalls

Hot springs.

There are some less-known hot springs within the former volcano’s Crater with hot water that bubble to temperatures of up to 48 Celsius degrees.

Culture of the people

Communities around the parkark have the richest Culture with the Bagishu being popular for their public circumcision ceremony known as “Imbalu” and attractions tourists from around the country and beyond.

Activities in Mount Elgon National Park

Mountain climbing/Hiking

Mountain climbing is the major activity conducted within Mount Elgon National Park. There are several hiking trails that lead tourists to the Caldera of Mount Elgon. These trails are the Suam trail, Piswa trial lasting 7 days, Sasa Trail lasting 4 days, and the Sipi Trail that lasts 7 days. These trails pass through and lead to the peaks, bamboo forest, Jackson’s peak, Suam River, and Gorge among others.

Rock climbing

Guided rock climbing is offered through the 14 designated routes in and around the park (Sipi falls areas) but required physical fitness and strong heartedness. The easier route is about 15 meters while the most difficult is over 35 meters.

Cultural encounters

Your visit to Mount Elgon National Park is likely to involve an interactive cultural encounter to some communities where coffee tours, cultural dances, food preparation demonstrations, nature walks, and many other cultural activities are offered to your amazement. If you visit during the right year, tourists get the chance to witness the public male circumcision exercise commonly known as “Imbalu”.

Bird watching

The park is a secluded avifauna hotspot, making birding one of the must-do activities by tourists who visit it. The most sought-after bird species here are Grey cuckoo shrike, Tacazze sunbirds, Mountain Yellow Warbler, Black-throated wattle-eye, Eastern bronze-napped pigeon, Dusky-turtle doves, Jackson’s francolin, and many others.

Mountain biking. 

Mountain biking here is usually conducted around the nearby Sipi falls areas and within communities offering an extraordinary way of spotting the wildlife and birds of the area in addition to experiencing the cultures of the people.

Trout fishing

Trout fishing in Uganda is only conducted within the Mount Elgon area and is usually conducted from the Sipi falls on the famous River Sipi. With your license and equipment in hand, you will venture into the unexplored road to catch your biggest Mountain trout.

Other activities that await tourists to the park are the tour to Nyero Rock Paintings and Caves as well as the Abayuda Jews of Uganda who practice Jewish Conservation Tradition among others.

Where to stay in Mount Elgon National Park

The commonest and best luxury accommodation facilities in and around the park are Mount Elgon Hotel, Mbale Resort Hotel, and Sipi River Lodge.

For the midrange travelers, facilities such as Lacam Lodge, Wash and Wills Country Home Mbale, Mount Elgon Hotel and Spa, Wimpey Hotel, Masha Hotel, Noah’s Ark Hotel Mount Elgon View Hotel as well as Kayegi Hotel exist for your comfort while the budget travelers are catered for within the Moses Campsite, Suam Guesthouse, Kapkwai Forest Cottages, Crow’s Nest Rest Camp, Rose’s Last Chance, and Kapkwata Guesthouse among others.

How to get to Mount Elgon

Mount Elgon National Park is about 235 kilometers/4 hours’ drive east of Kampala, Uganda’s Capital City, and to reach there, you will start your journey from Kampala and pass through the Towns of Jinja, Iganga, Mbale and arrive at Kapchorwa then finally to the park.

Discover the majestic beauty of Mount Elgon National Park without straining your budget with Cheap Car Rental Uganda. Encounter diverse wildlife and breathtaking landscapes without overspending. Book your affordable car rental today and embark on an unforgettable journey through the park.

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