Visiting Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Explore Rwenzori Mountains National Park | Car Rental UgandaEmbark on an affordable adventure to Rwenzori Mountains National Park with cheap car rentals in Uganda. Discover the majestic peaks and rich biodiversity without breaking the bank. Rwenzori Mountains National Park lies within the western Uganda districts of Bundibugyo, Kabarole, and Kasese, on the western Rift Valley and along the Uganda-Democratic Republic of Congo border.

This 995 square kilometer Park was gazetted in 1991 and later designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994 and Ramsar Site in 2008 due to its tremendous biological diversity of National, Regional and International Importance. For tourists interested in mountain climbing, the Rwenzori Mountains should appear on top of your bucket list.

Dubbed the Mountains of the Moon, the Rwenzori Mountains represent the uniqueness of Uganda given the fact that they are snow-capped yet crossed by the Equator. The highest point here is the Margherita Peak of Mount Stanley towering 5109 meters above sea level.

Attractions in Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Glacial Lakes

There are over 20 Lakes in the the park and the most frequently visited is Lake Mahoma found 2651 meters above sea level while Lake Bujuku is at the apex of the deep glacial Bujuku valley will take your breath away.


Different elevations of the Rwenzori Mountains have unique vegetation zones with unique species of flora and these zones are the bamboo forest, Afro-alpine zone with lobelia and Seneca snakeroot, and many others.

Equatorial snow peaks

The snow-capped peaks of the Rwenzori Mountains are important attractions themselves. Mount Stanley is the highest Mountain in the Rwenzori Mountain range towering at 5109 meters above sea level and others are Baker standing at 4843 meters above sea level and Mount Speke at 4890 meters above sea level. The snow-capped peaks of these mountains are one of the reasons tourists always wish to hike them.

Tourist activities in Rwenzori Mountains National Park


The Rwenzori Mountains are one of the top World-class mountaineering and hiking destinations for both physically and relatively physically fit climbers. The 9-12 days climb to the Margherita peak (highest peak) to see the giant lobelias, as well as everlasting flowers, is perfect for physically fit and skilled mountain climbers. The popular trails to try out on your visit to the Rwenzori Mountains National Park are the Kilembe and Central circuit trail among others.

Bird watching

The park is endowed with more than 200 species of birds including the Albertine Rift endemics but the commonest and frequently sighted ones are strange weavers, barbets, handsome francolin sunbirds, Rwenzori batis, Rwenzori turaco, Long-eared owls, Slender-billed starlings, Lagden’s bush-shrike, Cinnamon-chested bee-eaters and many others.

Cultural encounters

Have a village walk with the Bakonzo through their traditional homesteads in the slopes of the Rwenzori Mountains to see how they conduct their daily activities ranging from cultural dances, tending to their gardens to preparing delicious traditional meals.

Nature walks/hiking

Walk through the off-beaten tracks of Rwenzori Mountains to interesting areas like the communities of Kichwamba, Lake Mahoma, Bundibugyo area, Buraro Chimp forest, and Bwamba pass to spot the birds, animals, and many others.

Where to stay

Rwenzori Mountains National Park has spectacular accommodation facilities that make tourists’ safaris complete. The best up-market Lodge for tourists visiting this Park is Equator Snow Lodge.

The most exquisite midrange accommodation facilities within and around Rwenzori Mountains National Park are Hotel Margherita, Ihamba Lakeside Safari Lodge Rwenzori International Hotel, and Sandton Hotel among others.

Budget accommodation facilities to stay while visiting the park are Ruboni Community Camp, Mihunga Safari Lodge, Tours Holiday Inn, Trekkers Hostel, Rwenzori Turaco View Campsite, and Rwenzori Backpackers among others.

How to get there

The Rwenzori Mountains can be accessed by both roads and by air transport. For the latter, chartered and scheduled flights can be arranged from Entebbe International Airport or Kajjansi Airstrip to Kasese Airstrip then connect to Rwenzori Mountains National Park by road.

For road transport, your journey to the Park’s main trailhead (Ruboni) starts from Kampala then through Masaka, Mbarara, Bushenyi, and Kasese Towns or through Mubende, Fort Portal Towns then Kasese, and finally to the park (375 kilometers).

Alternatively, travel through Kampala-Masaka-Mbarara-Bushenyi-Kasese (Queen Elizabeth National Park) to Rwenzori Mountains National Park for 450 kilometers.

Embark on a budget-friendly adventure to Rwenzori Mountains National Park with cheap car rentals in Uganda. Discover the majestic peaks and stunning landscapes without breaking the bank. Book your affordable car rental today and immerse yourself in the beauty of Rwenzori Mountains National Park.

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