Visiting Kibale Forest National Park

Discover Kibale Forest National Park | Cheap Car Rental UgandaEmbark on an unforgettable journey to Kibale Forest National Park with pocket-friendly car rentals in Uganda. Experience the magic of this biodiverse paradise without overspending. Kibale Forest National Park is an extensive and densely Forested protected area extending for 795 square kilometers, at the outskirts of Fort Portal, western side of Uganda.

The Northern corner of this National Park has the highest elevation at 1590 meters above sea level while the southern edge is the lowest point of the Park at 1100 meters above sea level on the floor of the lush Albertine Rift Valley. The varying altitude is responsible for the varying vegetation types and ecosystems ranging from the woodland and savannah on the rift valley floor to the wet tropical forest on the plateau areas.

There are over 350 species of trees within this verdant tropical rainforest with some of them towering up to 55 meters tall and others existing for up to 200 years. Initially, the area was gazetted into a Forest Reserve in 1932 before being eventually converted into a National Park in 1993 to preserve a vast area of forest that was initially managed as a logged Forest Reserve.

Attractions in and around Kibale Forest National Park

The local communities

When you mention people being attractions, it’s not their physical attributes that attract tourists but rather their outstanding way of life and culture that takes visitors’ breath away. The Bakiga and Batooro living around Kibale National Park take pride in their unique heritage with the King being the Cultural head of the latter. Visitors visiting the Park can get to learn about their cultural dances, norms, customs, folklore, and language.

The Amabere Craves

You should not leave Kibale Forest National Park without visiting the mysterious Amabere Caves whose cultural formation carries more weight than its scientific formation. The beauty, history, and formation will blow your mind and make you wish to make another trip to the area.

Crater Lakes

Around Kibale Forest National Park are several magnificent Crater Lakes including Kyaninga, Ndali, Kasenda, and the three Craters (Kigere, Bikere, and Saka) near the Amabere Caves. Hike to these Lakes to discover about their interesting history and formation.

Tourist activities conducted within and around Kibale Forest National Park

Chimpanzee tracking

Chimpanzee tracking is the number one reason why tourists visit Kibale National Park, the home to the majority of the country’s chimpanzee population. One hour encounter with a habituated Chimpanzee community means the World to any primate lover and can be guaranteed with a visit to this Forest National Park.

Chimpanzee Habituation Experience

With Chimpanzee habituation Experience, you will have the entire day with a Chimpanzee community still undergoing habituation (to make them used to humans) to watch them wake up, feed, groom, play, and finally nest in the evening.

Bird watching

With over 375 species of birds, birding is one of the must-do activities for tourists who visit Kibale National Park. Some of the common species encountered during birding are the little greenbul, scaly-breasted Illadopsis, yellow-spotted Nicator, Brown-chested Alethe, Abyssinian ground-thrush, and African grey parrot among others.

Nature walks/hiking

Nature walks are usually conducted within, near, and around Kibale Forest National Park lasting several hours to see the different attractions of the Park ranging from butterflies, birds, wildlife to outstanding tree species. In addition to the day nature walks/hikes, night nature walks are also conducted for a chance to spot the nocturnal animal species such as leopards, Potto, and many others as well as nocturnal bird species. Nature walks are also conducted within the nearby Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary for a chance to see the wetland bird species.

Cultural encounters

The Park’s neighboring communities of Batooro and Bakiga have interesting cultures, traditions, and norms that you can’t miss exploring during your visit to Kibale Forest National Park. Cultural activities such as dance, drama, farming, hand-craft making, and many others are lined for visitors to the Park.

Where to stay in and around Kibale Forest

Visitors’ places to stay in and around Kibale Forest National Park range from budget, mid-range to luxury accommodation facilities. The best luxury accommodation facilities in Kibale Forest National park are Ndali Lodge, Primate Lodge, Papaya Lake Lodge, Crater Safari Lodge, and Kyaninga Lodge among others.

The most exquisite mid-range accommodation facilities to stay in during your visit to Kibale Forest National Park are Mountains of the Moon Hotel, Chimpanzee Forest Guesthouse, Chimps Nest, and Kibale Forest Camp while the most classic budget facilities are Rwenzori View Guesthouse, Lake Nkuruba Nature Reserve, and Community Campsite and Nyinabulitwa Country Resort and Safari Camp

How to get to Kibale

Kibale Forest National Park is situated within the western side of the country and can be accessed from the Capital City (Kampala) from the south through the Kampala-Masaka-Mbarara-Kamwenge route or the northern route through Kampala-Mityana-Mubende-Fort Portal road. The latter route is easier, shorter, and quicker involving traveling for 290 kilometers on the tarmac to Fort Portal then by another 32 kilometers on murram to Kanyanchu Visitor Center (the center for most activities of the Park).

Embark on an adventure in Kibale Forest National Park with budget-friendly car rentals in Uganda. Discover the enchanting wildlife and lush landscapes without overspending. Book your cheap car rental today and make the most of your journey.

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